Wednesday, July 20, 2011
My dad doesn't understand me?
I'm am a 12 guy. My dad doesn't care jack squat about my feelings. We always fight about stupid things. One of the stupidest is a game I used to love called superhero squad (yes that stupid marvel game) and as I speak we are having a fight about why I shouldn't go hunting. I told him I understand like 20 times but he just kept on going on and on. There are a lot of other things too but I won't get into those. My mom is very understanding and I love her a lot. She is almost always reasonable and supports me against my dad. It is still really hard to walk around my house without getting a big lecture. For the first time yesterday I attempted to stand up to my dad by telling him that I don't give a damn if you care about a squirrel. The previous day I accidentally shot a squirrel with my pellet gun thinking it was a muskrat. And I really do love animals but my dad was accusing me of knowing it was a squirrel. For 3 years I have been saving up a secret fund in my treasure chest hidden in a secret compartment in my room. I call it my for when I'm fed up wit my dad and ready to run away fund. I am planning on cashing it in on Sunday before I have to go to church. I am planning on trying to go south and reach St. George Utah. And I live in Salt Lake City. I know it'll be far but I have to get away from my dad. He treats me like a slave and we fight literally 8 times a day!!! I've tried talking to him but he just grounds me for a month. I have a sister that's 17 and she knows what I mean but she just basically lives with her friends but I can't cause I'm always grounded. Please help me please!!!!!!
Who ate all my doritos?
Ok so i bought a brand new bag of some delicious doritos, and I wake up and there gone! I think that it was my sister's gerbil, would it be wrong to smack it around a little bit so it gets the message to never do it again?
Will superhero films change?
I was just wondering if superhero films from Marvel such as X-Men and the Avengers will be affected since they belong to disney for quite some time. Will it change the dark action packed movies we watched from Marvel to a more kid friendly film?
Which superhero would win?
Out of every superhero ever from marvel, DC, or whatever got in on place and just went to town on everyone who would be the last on standing. I say superman but my friend says professor x from x-men. What is your opinion?
Need help finding a Batman Comic?
Here's where you start looking. View the comics by cover. Have fun! a href="" rel="nofollow"
Is this unhealthy?! and suggestions for a diet.....?
i am 11, in 5th grade, entering 6th. i currently weigh around 110lbs and is 5'2". i have belly fat and am not skinny, but not obese or obviously fat, but a little chubby in the body. im trying to go on a diet, what should the diet be? im trying to lay off the junk food, get more exercise and eat more fruits and veggies. wat do u think? also, im not having any cookies at lunch anymore or doritos. instead im having no dessert, but if i do it would be one of those 100 calorie bars. but i do have sunchips and a sandwich and water.
I'd like to know why my cat does this?
So I put my cat in the bathroom because I was going to have her keep me company. When I came back she was meowing to get out so I decided to let her out. But instead she's meowing and rubbing against me. Explanation?
What to do after a terrible binge?
I just had a terrible day long binge. In the morning i had mini wheats (with bananas) then a couple hours later i had a string cheese with a breakfast bar then i had 2 cookies a while later then for lunch i had a pb&j and some sunchips then i had skittles, ate a whole family sized bag of doritos (with the help of 3 people) a slimjim 2 sour punches, 3 muskuteers, a reeses whipps thing, 2 slices of pizza, half of a family dorito bag, takis...ugh...i dont look bloated really, i just did #2 and im drinking lots of water, its too late to walk but i've been walking all day oh and i had some starbucks. im so worried, i really dont wanna put on some weight oh and i might not be able to exercise tomorrow because i have friends over and its the weekend. im just really worried. help..please..
Please HELP Interpret my DREAM about a Canadian George Stroumbouloupoulous THANKS =)?
Okay I had a dream we were on an elevator saying bye to his mom I was with George and his sister Natasha she had blonde hair anyways we got to a small gathering it wasn't really a party and me and his sister I guess we were close and we were just talking and then she leaves to go look for someone so me and George were left there all alone and I looked at the snack table and I was like oh they have Doritos and I got the Cool Ranch one while George grabbed they Yellow bag Doritos and he opened it and started eating them and when I was about to eat mine I woke up! so What does this mean? Thanks =)
I’m changing my name, So I decided to make a This or that ? Part 3?
Damien over Dexter because I know someone who just named her baby Dexter and we all make fun of it. Blake over Jayden because Blake sounds more masculine. Damien sounds better than Blake with Blanchette because the Bl beginning doesn't sound nice repeated. As for a middle name... Blake could work for Damien, or if you chose Blake I think Jayden would be a good middle name. :)
What is your opinion of my video game collection?
Intense. You must be going blind mate. All those games, your pocket must be fat! Stop wanking to all those porn!
Plot for a romantic/mystery/adventure/sup… book, opinions!?
I like it. There are so many places this could go! Will she be angry, happy, or sad? I wish this were a complete story!!
How long can you survive without food and water?
The rule of thumb is that an adult can survive for up to 3 weeks without food and for up to 3 days without water but some people have survived for much longer.
The USA Debt and Debt deadline explanation?
Can someone please explain to me the situation our leaders are in? What are the concerns and possible negative results that could occur.
I want to be able to wear a bikini!!!!!?
so im about 14 and i still wear tankinis because im embaressed about my body. i no lame. but my mom wants me to start wearing biiknis and so do i. plus ALL of my friends wear bikinis and i kinda feel left out. so anyways i have (not that much) but some belly fat i want to get rid of. i no i have to work out because i play softball. but i want some help on the eating part. i dont eat breakfast; for lunch, i either make a little sub with balongy, ranch and lettuce or have a pbj with yogart and a small bag of doritos; and then there is dinner. but i usually have an after school snack too. so is my eating habits good or should i have something different for lunch? like take the chips out or something? thanks for everything!
I have a herniated disc in the thoracic spine. But here is the weird thing, when I eat something cold,?
When I eat something cold and get a "brain freeze", I also have very severe pain (just like a brain freeze) in my herniated disc. I would love to know what the medical explanation of this is? The pain in the disc seems to way outlast the pain of the headache...
Dc vs. Marvel movies?
Which films you prefer? I personally prefer DC movies, and find the Marvel films to be quite bland. The DC films have a superior track record with their movies, and will be remembered far longer then the formulatic Marvel films.
Deadpool Fighting skills?
I'm sure a lot of you have already read deadpool comics. I was just wondering where he got his awesome fighting skills from, I mean who taught him his mad skills, a lot of character in Marvel comics has masters. can anyone answer please
POLL: Heroes from Marvel or DC?
So hard to decide! People say you can't love both, you have to pick, but for me it's like salt and pepper. You can have a bit of both!
Can someone be proud of being white?
They can, but I see no reason to be. I was born white, I had nothing to do with it. However, I am not ashamed that I am white.
I'm SO worried about my little sister?
my little sister is 7, and she already weighs about 81 pounds! my family has genes for being born/ easily prone to getting obese or overweight. so my family is overweight, but i'm extremely worried about her. she over eats... really bad. like whenever my grandmother gets home from grocery shopping, the first thing she does is go straight for the cookies, candy, and chips. we will get a family size bag of doritos and in 2 minutes half of it is gone. and whenever we have spaghetti, she will eat lots of it, really quickly. then have like 2 plates of it, and about 7 bread sticks! plus i'm a vegetarian and i have these veggie nuggets(ik weird but they exist) and she kept trying to steal like 3, while i had like 6. she snacks A LOT too! so bad, i have to hide my healthy snacks and my school lunch snacks so she won't eat them. i am trying to lose weight and i'm 13, when i was her age i over ate a lot also. i over ate my self to 181 pounds at only 11, i found that out the hard way that i needed to change. I made the decision to lose weight and become a vegetarian because my mom and grandma let everyone eat anything at any time. but i became determined and i'm 143, only 26 more pounds to go. i feel so bad for my sister because it's so hard for her to find clothes she likes that will fit her. i need to cry every time i see her snack and over eat. by the time she is my age, i will be in college and not there to stop her and tell her what will happen. because she may see her weight as ok and eat herself to obese! i am so worried for her, she may not be as lucky as i am to see the right path. HELP?! :'(
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Hows the weather outside the wicket gate?
Isent it an un-nessasary Frustration and misery? Isent it realy self evident that the Lord and Savior is preferable among ALL the husks and mire and people of this world? IT IS. Isent it also self evident that Marveling and trying to reason out the Verily, Verily's, of Jesus Christ, And the working of the holy spirit with our bite size brains....Isent this an un-nessasary and self evident vanity? IT IS. For isent it also self evident that you cling knowingly to mere earthly waywardness and shadows such as these....Husks, Mire, People, Slavery, Pleasure, Bitterness, Blame, Self, and Marveling.....When all along the Pearl OF Great Price Is manifest unto You? Therefore Surrender...Surrender to the firm resolution of Heart, and the Willingness that is probly already at work in your soul. except your reality....That this is all thats before you and nothing else behind you. That faith is All that you have. For whosoever Will let him come unto me and Ill in nowise cast him out says the LORD. Theres no excuse
Does anyone know what he means?
one of my best guy friends keeps calling me beautiful and amazing. he fancies my best friend as far as i know... does he like me as well or is he just being a nice friend? also... could someone tell me what he meant by calling me a "biological marvel"? thanks guys, much appreciated :)
Doritos? Allergy.....?
My daughter is allergic to Doritos, but she is allergic to a lot of other things too. She is allergic to yellow # 5, which is in Doritos.
Tempted to pig out on junk food???!!!Please help!!!!?
REMEMBER! a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!!!! that saying helps me with the food binges!! :)
Do you remember these yummy foods from the 90's ...?
sure do, i miss the 3d doritos now that you mention them, do you remember the drink call orbitz, they had pieces of fruity candy stuff floating in it.
I have a question pleasee answerr!!!!!?
does the flavor of doritos make you gain weight, for example if you just lick the flavor and not eat the chip does it make you gain weight?
Should I say something or just keep my mouth shut (Friend eating way too much!)?
Just start asking her to do things with you such as going for a walk or doing something outside. You can make subtle hints that you think she needs to loose a little weight. Trust me, at first she'll probably be offended, but then she'll realize you're just looking out for her. Good luck :)
Pregnant or stressed?
Well, about a week ago i had protected sex with my boyfriend, the next day i started spotting blood, something that lasted 6 days. it was about the time im supposed to get my period but the spotting was very light and slow, it doesn't make sense. now i need an explanation !! what could that blood possibly be? rough sex? light period due to stress? or a possible sign of pregnancy or any other problem?
Eating when bored problem...?
I have a habit of eating [specifically junk food, Doritos right now] when I'm bored. How can I stop this?
What did the families of Atreus and Thebes contribute to mythology?
I just need an example or two with explanations because I don't really understand what they're asking for.
My brother gave my green-cheeked conure Doritos...!?
I only saw him give the bird a small piece (maybe thumbnail-sized) but it was a spicy flavor. I'm worried about the salt and all the seasoning... my bird's been drinking a lot since, but I'm kind of worried. Do you think this will hurt my conure?
You think i'd make a good girlfriend?
I think there won't be real problem if you know the importance of communication. Love some of your qualities.
How do i tell him this is wrong?
Ok so my brother and i were making out in my room and then he started fingering me. i think im pregnant now. then he started eating my doritos. how do i tell him that it was wrong of him to eat my doritos?
Do you have any weird food combinations you like to eat?! (E.g. Chocolate and chilli crisps)?
Peanut butter sandwich with vinegar and black pepper,mmmmm! I really shouldn't because I'm trying to lose weight! I tried to e-mail you to say thank you for the best answer you gave me, but I couldn't. So, thanks for the best answer! The chicken dinner was lovely, by the way! :D
Why do i play black ops better when I'm playing with friends?
When ever i play COD black ops with friends i do really good, but then when I play black ops and im not with friends I do worse. Any explanations?
What comic books/graphic novel should I read?
I read the Marvel Civil war series and loved it. I am also a huge Batman fan. Some other heroes I like are Captain America, Spiderman and pretty much any marvel character. Please help me out thanks.
What comic book superheros does the general public know?
Due to an increase of "Super Hero" movies, the general public now has a general interest in the genre. But it is good that our favorites are receiving the exposure and acclaim that they've always deserved from the public.
FOX News reports that Marvel Comics is going to get rid of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) tomorrow. Thoughts?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Will I die...........................…
This past weekend (Friday evening, Saturday, Sat. Nite, Sunday, etc). I have eaten a crunchwrap supreme, a beefy crunch burrito, a bag of ruffles hot wings, a bag of doritos, a bag of pretzels, 7 pepsi's, 17 peices of pizza (square), a whole cookie cake, and a big mac.
New flavour for doritos? help!?
okay, so in class we need to come up with a new flavour and name for doritos, i cant think of anything, please help!
Do you always lose body fat when you burn more calories than put in?
What you're burning typically depends on the type of workout you are doing. It's believed you burn more fat during lower intensity workouts and carbohydrates during high intensity workouts. WIth that being said, you also burn less calories during lower intensity workouts. The main thing is you are burning a lower percentage of fat and more glycogen (carbs) during high intenisty and a higher percentage of fat and lower perecentage of glycogen and low intensity. However, I doubt you would have much energy or feel like completing these workouts if you were only eating doritos and chips, Also, you typically burn more fat if you workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. If you were eating like this, you would be getting insufficient nutrition and become sick at some point. You would also need protein to help build and repair muscle while you were working out. You would also need whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc to get the full benefits of your workout. A workout without proper nutrition is pretty much pointless.
I've got a new poll for you guys:?
Moon or Sun? Pikachu or Mickey Mouse? Potato chips or Doritos? Wine or Juice? Angry german kid or Angry video game nerd?
My Marvel vs. Capcom 3 fightpad's thumbstick is broken, can some one help me fix it?
It's the Special Edition fightpad PDP released, and it's not working right. The thumbstick seems to be having an issue reading the down-forward input (Or 3, if that's more your speed.) Some times it acts like it has a lean in it, other times I can't do things like crouch block or charge 3 in Street Fighter. Before I crack it open and wing it myself, could some one out there tell me how I could fix it less invasively, or if I just need to buy a new pad?
Help decision making?
Okay so my daughter ate all my doritos and I was wondering should I trade her to my sister for a bag of chips ( the really good kind with two flavors in ond bag)
Does the chew and spit method work?
Wow, ok. I believe you when you say you are losing weight the healthy way. . Maybe. Anyway, even if you are losing weight you should allow yourself one day a week where you eat something you want that isn'5 so healthy. Like on sundays have one of the snack size bags of doritos, or a cupcake, or whatever else. You shouldn't cut the stuff completely out, because then you are going to go crazy and one day totally dump the diet and eat everything bad around you for days straight. Also, if you chew on it then spit it out you are still getting part of the calories because you won't be able to help swallowing your own saliva which will have some of the food in it from you chewing on it. So just eat one small "bad food" a week to prevent having a junk food fest later.
A white bright light in the middle of the night O.O?
i remember once when i was young i got up in the middle of the night went to my kitchen and their was a white bright light it was about 3 A.M. at night i thought it was a dream but it was real as hell i remember till this day i never talked about it but lately i started thinking about it and it scares the crap out of me. that white light was everywhere out side the window and it was so bright it was quite outside quite as hell. maybe i got confused with a dream i had but i remember it so well i remember witch of my memories are dreams and witch are real. and by the way i lived back then in a Village. are their any other explanations to this phenomena. because im starting to think i was visited my aliens but if i did why would they turn on such a bright light? what do you think?
Im about to go to the store what junk food should i get?
Joey, I'm not into the junk food sort of thing. Let me lower my pride a bit. If I push came to shove and there was only one outlet, McDonald's, I would get a big make, at least it has lettuce and tomato on it.
Monday, July 18, 2011
I want to start reading DEADPOOL comics?
Where should I start and in which direction should I go? I've always read DC comics but I would like to get into marvel.
Meditation, Green Tea, and Spirituality.?
Yoga classes might really be a benefit to you,as well meditation classes as this usually is a part of yoga. As well try the Green tea caffeine free,and cut the honey in half to what you were using. That being said there are medications you can get from your doctor for this disorder.
Severe fear of passing out? do I have an anxiety disorder or OCD?
I think you have a clear understanding that you have anxiety and OCD symptoms. It doesn't sound too severe, though - you definitely don't need to be hospitalized for this problem. But I don't think you're just dramatic, either. You have a problem with anxiety, but it's a pretty common problem, and if you see a therapist they can help you get over this.
Does this sound like a good story premise?
It seems brilliant to me. Better than anything I could have come up with. Now, how will their powers affect them? And their world around them? People will begin to notice that others are missing. Build up on that.
What do you think of my video game collection?
I'm actually quite jealous! Your collection is to be sought after! I used to have that many, then I got a job.
Why do people who ask for honesty, hear it, and act offended?
Most people cannot handle criticisms. It takes us years and training to learn and appreciate critics and honest opinions. Unfortunately, many cannot face the facts, and rather hear what does comes out of your mouth fits your perspective.
Whats this song called?
Its kinda catchy-ish, but i dont know what its saying. I heard it in a commercial. And theres this guy that sits down and he's trying to catch a mouse so he puts a dorito in the trap thing. Then a guy dressed in a mouse suit thingy comes out randomly taking his doritos. If you guys know of what song im talking about plz help.. ♥♥♥ thnx :D
Hair naturally changing colour from Brown to Auburn. I'm 31 years old.?
Well I don't have any answers but if it makes you feel any better the same thing happened to my father and me so it must be genetic. My father started out life as a red-head turned brown than slowly darkened to black. I started life having black hair and slowly turned blond which as of know I still am. So I hope I at least showed you your not alone in the hair wierdness :)
I'm a beautiful unique individual. Why doesn't anyone understand me?
I like to sleep a lot. I also like to eat Doritos and howl like a wolf. Sometimes I like to make lion noises. Some days I just want to pour my milk on the floor and lick it up instead of putting it in a cup. Sometimes I like to punch holes in the wall and then cover the hole with vomit and excrement. No one seems to like me though. They always say im "retarded" and make fun of me. Why is this?
Bathroom issues.....?
have u considered a different doctor? because I had similar problems and my doctor sent me to get an ultrasound and they found out I had gall stones which was the cause of the problem.
Question about my future?
look, i'm about to enter high school, and over the years, ive really been looking at some careers that i think would be interesting. out of all these, i chose a pilot. preferably, i would like to fly for southwest or delta airlines. i want to know what path i should take from here. what are the basic requirements for a pilot? what classes should i take? what should i do when i have job shadowing? would the air force be a good step? when they give me a job interview in the future, what would they expect? i would appreciate a good answer with a lot of explanation. thank you
Dose this guy like me this is a real mystery?
I am telling u know that I have a terrible spelling so okay it allstarted when my cousin came from a country then she was knew didn't know English then like a year past and I was in her apartmen playing (it was her BD) and every one was saying their age and a guy said almost 12 and I said almost12 and he looked at me then wen everyone left we went in te house then I left then the other day I went to my cousins house again and she maid fun of me infront of the guy then when we were playing dodge ball the ball fell in the pool ad he went to get it then my cousins like my marvels fell in their can you get it he looks he tries to get it but gets his ball and leaves and I say my hairband fell their and he asks were i say I don't know it's been a long time a d he just puts the thing down and then we go then few hours later he goes to his house then comes and my cousin tells him I believe in vampires and fairys (that was a long time ago) and he laughs I ask him if he ever gets forwards on his phone he says ya ad it said if u don't read this u will die and he didn't read it and it's been 5 days he's alive then he goes back in and then I say he looks like a vampire and my cousin goes and asks him of he's a vampire and he nods no and she says I told him to ask him then a hour later he has to go somewere with his dad and I say by and then he leaves then another day I come and we play and all and my cousin keeps asking ne if I like him and I keep saying no just becuz I laugh at his jokes doesn't mean I like him and then she gets on my nerves and I say yes but not really and then she keeps talking about him she Says that she's going to tell him I say shut up to her then she gets 1 of my Songs and says that she's going to gI've it to him I take it back then I take her to her house (she slept over) and ten once she calls him a theif a trashpiker and I tell her to **** up ad when she really gets on my nerves I tell her that I was just kidding and I just hot annoyed of her then another day when I go to their house my cousin has to go to a school picnic and she wants to take me and the guy is outside and I'm waiting for my cousin and she finally comes and the guy says that he's waiting for the picnic and my cousin doesn't answer so I say us too and then they make funny things up ad the guy calls my cousin a grandma and says that she always wears thy same shirt and then when my cousin is hitting a tree i get mad at her and she's like o don't touch trees it's nature and I tell her to shut up and then time passes and he goes but my cousins mom says would u rather go to the mall we say yes and we go then we come back I'm circling around and around and then he comes knocks the door and I stop circling and I open it he's talking on the phone he stops says thx ad I say ur welcome and he is waiting for my cousin and then the ball falls acsidently in the pool and my cousi starts a talk about crushes ad she teases me for having an crush on a guy tar is not from my country and ya then he is looking down when we talk about that then we stop ad he goes to papers and says tese pol who took time and money making these and their going to waste and he throws them and I start picking them up and my cousin says u throw trash and she cleans and then he starts helping and my cousin says your such a clean freak and I say what that's what I do in my house and my cousins like all I do in my house is each tv and he's like all I do in my house is play video games and eat chips I laugh then ge goes that's pretty much it so then my cousin comes to my house and says that everyone hates me in get apartment and they think I'm ugly and stuff I get hurt and I say who hates me and she even says his name and I start to wonder and well I know 1 of them for shire hates me lol and then I sy I'll ask them and she sad no don't they will hate my fir telling u now I am going to ask them plz help what should I do in only 11
Gonja????????? THE GATE WAY DRUG??????
ok just let me ask this??????? when is the last time you heard of some idiot! jumping off a building cause he smoked a dubbie? or robbed a bank, or store, or someones house?????? because he got high?????? NEVER!!!!!!! the only thing someone is gonna rape, pillage, murder, or rob, is a big bag of DORITOS!!!!!!!!! LOL SO WHY SHOULDNT IT B LEGAL????????????????
Im looking for a dubstep song i heard on
its a female singing the song, the song has a bit of electro in it too. i believe she kept saying possibility in the chorus but i can remember exactly, sorry for such a vague explanation. the song played at about 6:20pm here in germany, and the song is not possibility by Lykki Li
What are/were you craving and what did you have?
meatball subs..pickles..chips...doritos with spaghetti'os on top or crackers and having a boy :)
Pick a costume you'd wear from DC then from Marvel?
To be honest I wouldn't wear tights due to maintaining a cool appearance thing but I'd say i'll wear an Iron Man outfit for D.C and a Captain America for Marvel the underdogs of the league lol
Why do girls flirt with guys they don't like?
one my my really close guy friends likes this one girl A LOT. they stared talking more and she keeps flirting with him, but she doesn't like him at all (only as a friend). when i told my guy friend that she keeps flirting, he doesn't understand why she is doing it if she doesn't like him. i can't explain it to him that that's just what girls do. so can you please help me and give me some sort of explanation that i can give him? thanks!
Feeling "high" after smoking cigarette?
yeah, that's how you smoke a cigarette. you're supposed to inhale it. what you were experiencing was a buzz from the nicotine and that's why people get addicted. try smoking weed then smoke a cigarette, it'll get you higher!
My box turtle has white eyes.?
His eyes are open but they are white.I thought it was an eye infection but i read that the eyes wouldn't be open. Does anyone have an explanation?
X-Men comics question?
Just wondering if any one can point out a good starting place for the X-Men comics? Also, I'd like a story arc that deals with the first few mutants recruited by Professor X (the early days of his academy, if that exists!) cheers :) I have not read much Marvel at all, but have been meaning to get into this for a while.
Should i get an xbox 360 or ps3?
me and my sister want to buy something to play games on, i had a ps2 but it broke. i also have 3 friends who have xbox's and they want me to get one. how reliable is the xbox, i heard about the "red ring of death" and i don't want to deal with something that breaks down all the time. i like call of duty and homefront my sis likes fighting games like marvel vs capcom which is better for those games ????????
Are cool ranch doritos still your favorite to eat with cherry pepsi?
oo i love cool ranch ones those are the only ones i eat and yes cherry pepsi soooo good now im hungry for it
Okay, so I know how you feel and all, but its wrong to do this. You need to tell your mother and apologize for getting the chips. I can understand how you don't want your mother to be mad at you especially if she is strict. My mom is VERY strict and would kill me. But wouldn't you feel better if you just came clean. You may also get sick and then your mom would have to find out. Don't eat the chips! It would be bad for your health! Of course your mom will be mad, but if you come clean and apologize she wouldn't be as mad and may even be proud of you for doing the right thing! And she only gets mad because she worries for you and wants your life to be as easy as possible. I LOVE strawberries, but I force myself not to eat them because they burn my insides. Just do the right thing no matter how hard it may be!!!!!
Why do i love doritos?
I like them a lot too. The speckles on them are the many herbs and spices on them that give them their unique flavor. They have ranch flavoring that is so so good that makes them special.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Chest back and neck muscles tightened up?
I bent over to tie my shoe stood up right and my back neck and chest muscles started tightening up any explanations??
Why does Quaker products holds an image for healthy eating but they have MSG and perservatives ingredients?
They're not the only ones. If you go to the "health food" shelf ( yes, it's kind of sad that "healthy" food has to have a special shelf in supermarkets rather than being just the norm ) you'll see low calorie "health bars" that are stuffed to the gills with sugar of some form.
Spicy Doritos made me VERY sick! Anyone else? Help?
Maybe you ate something before it that didn't go very well witht he doritoes :P OR you can be allergic x] I suggest you drink some water and try to get some rest :P And no, this has never happened to me.
I am reading this book called 1984 I have to write a 5 page report now I have to compare the 1989 peaceful uprise in Tiananmen Square, China event to the book. Someone please do a explanation about the events in the book I already got the china uprise info covered.
Not counting X-men #9. Are there any comics that actually show how Professor X lost the use of his legs?
I'm not sure about the 616 storyline, but there is an issue in the Ultimate series where Magneto throws metal shards into Xavier's legs.
How can i start reading the marvel comics?
I have never read comic books before so i will need to start from the first issues. i am tired of everyone comparing movies to the comics and i dont know what they are talking about. i would prefer to read them online and for free. this just seems like something i would love to do because i love superheros and reading fiction.
Period is ruining my life?
Your period is as normal as it can get. Don't sweat it. I got mine at 12...those were the times where I got aggressive on my period. Nowadays, I'm 14, and my mood doesn't change anymore for my periods. I think this is based on mental maturity.
Do I have appendicitis or is my anxiety getting the better of me?
It sounds like you have had this pain for some time on and off. Because of this, it is unlikely that it is appendicitis. However, it would be a good idea to schedule an exam at your doctor's office to rule out any other possible causes.
Marvel comics featuring teen heroes?
Hey guys. I'm a girl geek with an affinity for comics, and I'd love help with my favorite genre. I like best comics I can relate to, so my favorites are always books with younger heroes, like Teen Titans, Batgirl, and Superboy. 99% of the books I read are DC, so I'm set with that, but the only Marvel books I know of that have teen heroes are the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, Avengers Academy, Young Avengers, and Runaways. Are there any others with heroes in their early twenties or younger that I should read? Particularly, are there any versions of the X-Men with younger mutants? Oh, and I know I only talked about the Big Two, but if there are any teen heroes from other comic publishers, I'm completely open to those as well. Thanks!
How do I start learning java?
I keep looking up tutorials, but everything presumes that I know a ton already about programming. I wanted a step by step interpretation of the Hello World app in a way that lets me know what those words do, and how they would be used in other java programs, not a thin explanation The most frustrating thing is that I do have some very basic programming knowledge, mainly in programming syntax. I've been trying to use the official Java Tutorials, but they're so vague.
God. shoul we divorce?
y wife has been going over to my neighbors house with a bag of feces and french onion dip. My neighbors are notorious Nicuargian Doo-Doo smugglers. I'm afraid that my wife is in cahoots with them. They been making Fecal statues,Doo-Doo chipped cookies,Butt stank doritos and coca cola with buttdust sprinkled on the cap. I love my wife and her (Badonk a Donk) but I will call the cops on her if she sells Doo-Doo out the trunk of the car. And I will make sure she eats no more KFC gravy or Fiber if she continuse to do so. She even covered my cheese MaMich in feces. It made my face break out.She gave me salamanala too. When will this nightmare end
How to cook healthy oatmeal?
I eat oatmeal nearly every morning for breakfast. I use either Quaker old-fashioned or quick oats. I follow the recipe on the container but then add lots of walnuts, ground flax seed a little milk and then sweeten it with a small amount of real 100% maple syrup. Sometimes, instead of the maple syrup, I saute an apple in a small amount of canola oil and then add a bit of brown sugar and cinnamon before adding it to the cooked oatmeal. Like another poster said I like to cool it down with milk but I usually use unsweetened almond or soy milk. Adding the milk also makes it less thick.
How to know if microsoft are giving a free game away?
is it displayed on spotlight and inside xbox? just got doritos crash course and harms way but read microsoft sometimes gives out free game for 48 hours, where are they displayed?
Is this a good team comp for pokemon black/white?
i just use all darkrai with that sleeping move n dream eater and if dat doesnt work i use the explosion dat kills both of us LOL
Is there a scientific explanation as to how different countries or races have different languages?
It's just simple evolution. Each generation changes slightly. And both physical appearance and language changes. Many words in German and English are about the same - it's just that they've been used a little differently for a few centuries and now have slightly different sounds and perhaps different meanings.
Important health question about weight?
It is water and food weight. Dont worry, it will go off in few days. At worst, you could have gained 1 pound, so dont worry much.
If I pray for a good harvest and get one, is god good? If I don't does he work in "mysterious ways" or "angry"?
No it means someone prayed for a bad harvest before you could pray for a good one. First come, first serve. Better luck next year.
Xbox 360 Pricing Question?
300 sounds a little low but i never sold an xbox before so go and look on ebay and see what most people are selling for the stuff then add it up and sell it then
Does anyone know if there is a book with all X-Men comics, like a collaboration of all of them?
I know my question is very vague, but fitting my complex question into 110 characters wasn't easy. Anyway, I've been talking about getting back into comics for a while now, but I want to do it the right way, from beginning to end. A couple of my friends have told me that Marvel, DC, etc have compiled their comics, in order, into I guess what would be considered graphic novels. I would like to know whether or not their statements are true, for any comics not just X-Men. Also, if it is true I would like to know where could I find them.
What are your favorite Dortitos chip flavors?
I know... I know... random question but I just wanna know. My favorite is the Wasabi flavored Doritos.
Marvel vs Dragonball Z who would win?
Dragon Ball Z as each character has the power to destroy a planet, plus a few have the power to destroy Galaxies.
How much would i get for these games on ebay?
ok iam selling these games on ebay all of these are for xbox 360 except call of duty black ops which is for the ds iam selling it cus it sucks on the ds ok here are the games two worlds2,viva pinata trouble in paradise,chrome hounds,bulletstorm epic edition,ninja gaiden 2,lord of the rings battle for middle earth two,sacred 2 fallen angel,fable 2,quake 4,brink,ghost recon 2,marvel ulitmate alliance,bioshock,naruto rise of a ninja,call of duty 3,call of duty 2,final fantasy xi online, aliens vs predator,prototype,fight night round 3,phantasy star universe,spider man 3,grand theft auto 4,gears of war 1,phantasy star universe,mass effect,legendary,and alan wake and iam using the money i get from these to buy a nintendo 3ds!ohh ya!so how much will i get for all these?will it be enough to buy a nintendo 3ds?
Wii Sports Resort; Island Flyover?
I have 2 left, they are Seaplane Team and Stillwater Grotto. I've looked for both and I can't find them anywhere. Does anyone have a detailed explanation for where they are?
Xbox 360 question???
If I were purchasing it I wouldn't spend more than $200 at the most. Mainly becuase alot of those games are not neccesarily in high demand. The hard drives help but most people wouldn't want an arcade especially since you can get a new slim xbox with 4gb hard drive for $200 with a controller AND they have wifi. Best bet would be to see how much you could get for trade-in value at a local game store or an Entertainmart type of store.
Is it true that coffee is all parts of your five a day and are Doritos a good source of calcium?
I'm looking to broaden my horizons with a fantastic new lifestyle/diet change involving coffee and Doritos.
Tidy Cats Litter for multiple cats for one kitten?
OMG NO ITS NOT SAFE TO USE. the litter is self aware and as soon as it realizes multiple cats aren't using it, it will probably kidnap your cat and then cut you in your sleep.
Question about ipad 2 app?
Hey guys i have an ipad 2 and im thinkin bout downloadin a free app called Marvel Comics which is a free app where you can download then read comics on your ipad. Ive read reviews bout it and they say it crashes a ton. For all you guys who have this app and have the new version,1.2, can you tell me if it crashes a lot?
Popular Filipino Snack Foods?
I'm not Filipino but I eat alot of Filipino snacks like BOY-BAWANG, Clover Chips, Chicharron-salt and Vinegar flavor, Nagiraya and Growers peanuts, Ding-Dong nut mix, just to name a few. My favorite "pulutan" when I'm drinking a few beers!
How to transfer files from one pc to another through LAN?
i got one laptop with windows 7 and one pc with windows xp... and i want to share files between those pc through lan conection ... i know this is posible but i cant understand how... can any1 give me step by step explanation
Best fighting game for the Xbox 360?
Im deciding on either MK9 or Marvel vs Capcom 3, but any suggestions would be nice, and I would appreciate if you back up your claim.
I only eat one meal a day because my parents don't buy enough food?
Start buying your food hun. That's bad that you barely eat, idk you and i feel bad :/ . Please get a new job or something.. and eat for me? even tho idk you. God bless.
Advice on cooking chicken?
You wanna first marinade the chicken first ( use everything except the salsa ) leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours. When you start to cook it, use a pan or skillet on the stove top. Make sure you use some pam or light oil ( so the chicken does not stick to the pan ). Since you said the chicken is thin it shouldn't take long at all to cook. After that pour on the salsa to your liking and enjoy!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Something to eat I'm hungry?
I have milk,eggs,bread,porkroll,pancake mix,peanut butter,butter,pudding,ice cream,oatmeal,marshmallow fluff,doritos,.....and water
I’m addicted to eating chips! Please help me!!?
Your body is craving salt. Don't worry much abt the cost, worry more about your kidney. Drink lots of water through out the day. Replace your cravings with healthier chips.
What does this mean? Someone please help?
So maybe a few weeks to a month ago, I noticed green discharge. I've never had sex. So i was supposed to get my period last week and I didn't. But I was PMSing and tender breasts, yea all that. What could this be? Please give me a real explanation don't just say go see a doctor or green isn't a good color. Someone please help. Thanks. Oh and yesterday I think I had cramps, maybe it was abdominal pains? idk
How much for two systems,22 games total,three controllers,and a ps eye?
for all those games about $150-200. about the consoles i don't know. call to the shop like gamestop and find out.
Geometry discussion. please help?
explain why perimeter is measured in units and area is measured in square units. Give examples to clarify your explanation. Why would we measure volume in cubic units?
UGH! How bad did i F*** up after I worked out?!?
OKAY SO! im 17, 5 foot 6 and around 160-167 lbs...i am overweight and i know it. I went to the gym for 2 hours today and burned 1,235 calories...then i got home and ate ice cream, chips with cheese, (not alot) some doritos and a few spoonfuls of zitit...ive been doing well so far with the weight loss...but for some reason i was sooo hungry! How bad did i **** up on my workout??? :( and i had a like 2 spoonfuls of peanut butter...AND this morning i binged on ice cream (****) and 1 piece of bread with hardly any butter. Did i mess up???? please on the brink of tears :'(
Canceled movie in the 90s can't find any info on it!?
A movie was supposed to come out in the 90s about a woman sent on a course to the center of our galaxy around a black hole to return to earth in the future. I seen the commercial for it and the one part i remember from the commercial is the woman traveling warp speed like in the shuttle and the voice of some guy saying when you return everyone you know will be dead. Now apparently the movie was canceled by the government with no explanation why. What was that movie called and is there anyone who knows anything about it?
Did I eat too much, too little, or just enough?
Skipping meals is a BAD way to lose weight, so don't skip meals. As for everything else, you might've eaten just enough, if you weren't on a diet. My suggestions are eat 5 small meals a day, mostly consisting of unprocessed foods (Not doritoes) and try to cook more things yourself, using healthy ingredients. You should also try to eat more fruits anddd basically exercise more because 80% of losing weight is diet and exercise. Oh yeah and try to stick to water and only have light desserts every once and a while. Good luck!!
Is what i eat normal (the right amount)?
will sometimes the person fells like eating ..for me thats kinda of to much but maybe you were sad or stressed ...take care food is nothing compared to your life eat healthy live better ^__<
Why can't I gain weight?
I drink like 3 glasses of milk a day which is 420 calories alone...I can eat 3 western bacon cheeseburgers with extra bacon, chug down a 2 liter bottle of soda, and eat a whole bag of doritos, and I won't gain a f*cking pound what the hell! I'm like 6'3 and I weigh less than girls my age, and yet I probably eat more than a lot of guys. I also don't exercise much. Not saying that I'm proud of all this, but I find it weird how people won't eat some foods because it has too much fat or calories, and yet I can eat all the fried food and won't put on any weight at all. :( It gets annoying when people think I'm a p*ssy or weak just cause I look anorexic and it's not my fault. D: I bought this protein shake now (BSN syntha-6, I heard it's really good) and I started the gym, but it's hard to lift any weight with my BONES. -_- I also can't lift the bench press bar.
Does he even like me? Why hasn't he taken the next step? Is he leading me on?
I reconnected with a guy friend from high school about 10 months ago. We dated for like 2 weeks in 9th grade (everything innocent), but remained friends. So now, after years we reconnected and we started, hanging out like going to the movies, dinner, roller blading, star gazing, beach at night, museums, and coffee. We don't go out every weekend. So, now I have developed feelings for him, I told him how I felt about six months ago, and he said that he wanted to be financially stable (find a job). Am 23, with a college degree, and job, he's 24 yrs old, with a college degree and no job yet, he is shy Christian guy, family oriented, very courteous. He told me that we are great friends and that maybe in the future something can happen between us. Am always the one who is initiates the texting and the hanging out well sometime he does (He always keeps our conversation going) and if doesn't respond soon he apologizes and gives me an explanation. He tells me that he's not a text person, but that with me he can text all day, also he doesn't go out, only with family. His last relationship was about 2 1/2 yrs ago. The only physical contact we have had is hugs, cuddle, I inter wind my arm on his, kiss on the cheek; we have given each other massages. I have nibble/bitten his ear, he has on mine too. He always goes out of his way to please me. Lets me borrow his jacket, lets me choose where we go etc…we have pet names for each other. He's such a sweetheart, and gentlemen. I just don't want to confuse his chivalry ways into signs he likes me. I just know that he is not ready for a relationship, but I want to know if he likes me or has feelings for me. I told him that maybe it wasn't a good idea to keep going out, and he was like why? Did I do something wrong? I told him no, I just feel that you don't feel the same way about me and he was like, well I have always been honest with you, we are great friends, I would be really sad if you decide to break our friendship. I just don't know where I stand in his life. Does he like me but is he not ready? Or am I reading way too much into it. He stills wants us to keep going out. At the beginning he used to paid for me, but since he is not working, I pay sometimes, but he's reluctant, he saids that he doesn't want me to think that he's taking advantage of me in that sense. After, I told him that I was not going to keep texting him, he initiates the texting, he is more flirty, we text to the eve hours at night and day nonstop, he seems more comfortable with me with more trust. He doesn't hang out nor talk with any other friends but me. He saids he won’t hurt me, but I think am the one hurting already. Is he leading me on? Should I distant myself and give him space or still go out as friends. Please help!!!
Strict doritos chip diet for a cat?????????????
i found my my cat about six minths ago as a stray. He was very skinny and i started him on a regular diet of dry food but he was not gaining much weight so i started him on a dorito chip diet three months ago. He has become lethargic sleepy and not his self. So about a week ago i started puting sugar in his water to get him some energy. What am i doing wrong!!!!!!!!
POLL: Are you eating anything right now?
i have a cup full of wheat thins, doritos (taco flavor), and like 4 potato wedges. im a fatty fat fatttttt :D
it depends on calorie intakes i usually only take in less than 1000 a day but when i pig out i eat way to much try eating foods with only one thing in them like bannanas and tuna salads which is a very good choice good luck and yes it is very possible to lose that much weight easier if you turn it into muscle
What is you favorite advertisment on tv?
I love the one with the guy teasing the pug and the pug knocks the door down and steals the doritos. Lol
How do you eat your doritos?
I always lick the cheese/seasoning off and then eat the Dorito. Is that weird? How do you eat yours?
Anime Influenced Animation?
if you like Ben 10 try Generator Rex.....right now I'm obsessed over that show and it's written by the same dude who did Ben 10 series.It's about this boy who can transform parts of his body into mechanical parts and the whole story is about a virus. :) I just remembered another good one! Oban Star Racers...that is one of my all time favorites...
Why do i get into a bad mood when i diet and get off at people?
My mom says don't eat sugary/junk food and i could lose 15 pounds because i am currently 15 pounds over weight. Being 14 years old girl and having cravings i get in a bad mood when my mom says eat vegetables instead of ice cream and Doritos. What should I do? When i am not in a diet I'm a happy sweet girl. ... This is the 3rd day that i'm dieting with ( no sugar/junk food/bread )
Tapping "A" button to aid pokeballs?
K so I heard of this many times before but I figured it was just a myth......anyway I was playing pokemon today and caught a regular pokemon in a great ball but when the pokemon went inside it made an unusual sound......then when the pokeball fell to the ground it only wobbled once instead of three times......then I noticed I had been tapping the "A" button repeatedly the whole time and I figured that was the only explanation seeing as how it was only a normal pokemon and an ordinary great ball
I have a Dell V130, why is it that i cant press 2 keys at the same time (trying to do a super move)?
Iam playing Marvel VS Capcom and iam playing with RYU and iam trying to do the super move, and for some reason, when i push down forward and then the 2 punch buttons, it seems like the system wont let me do that, what is going on, is there a way to fix this in the keyboard settings.
Computer Issue - Lag, in "Any" game?
I know from my experience the less you pay for internet the more you lag because of the crappy quality. You get what you pay for. But I know this isn't always the case, I searched for you and saw these easy steps to try and help your lagging. I hope this helps you. (=
Why does it suddenly smell like doritos in my room?
i mean, i farted. but all i had to eat today was a banana and baby food. somebody please help i think it may be serious 3
Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance on PS2, why can't I save my game?
Trying to save the game manually gives me a screen saying there are no MUA files on the memory card. OK, so how do I create the file? There is plenty of room on the memory card...
Who was the first marvel comics charchter?
Check out the Steranko history of comics -- if I'm not mistaken back when they were timely there were several characters before Carl Burgos's the Human Torch and Bill Everett's Prince Namor, the Sub Mariner debuted together. They were soon joined by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's Captain America -- Lee revived rather than invented the character.
What that marvel, black, bio book called?
It big and black. Has like a orange star cardboard cutout layered ontop of the book and it has marvel characters on it. it talks about the history of some of the characters in the book. And the attired etc.
Why don't I feel heavier?
The last time I went to the doctor i weighed 98 pounds and I now weigh 107... but I don't feel or look any different... is there an explanation?
X-Men comics question!?
I want to read an X-men comic (small series called Origin) a href="" rel="nofollow" this is the only info I can find on them and I need to know if I can read them online (Which would be really REALLY great) or if I would have to download or buy them.
Has anyone seen the new Green Lantern movie?
I'm still debating on whether or not to see it. I'm a sucker for DC and Marvel movies, but the CG in this looks corny. I've heard that the storyline isn't great either. I'm not sure if it'll be worth it.
For one dont be a button masher. And remember all the moves of your team you use. Then try to string combos together. It sounds hard but i done that and now i can beat almost any player i challenge.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Equivalent Marvel characters to DC characters?
What are some equivalent characters from the DC comics to Marvel comics i.e. Batman to Black Panther or whoever else
I need to substitute healthy snacks- what?
Almonds aren't actually that healthy. They have TONS of fat in them but are good if you only want a few since they have a lot of protein. You could try raw baby carrots. I do that a lot. They are sweet and crunchy and they fill you up once you have a lot. Even if you want cheezits and crackers, you can probably still have them in moderation if you buy reduced fat. They taste the same but have half the fat yet fills you up the exact same. (And I actually like the taste of the reduced fat cheezits more than the original!) You could also drink a lot of water because it makes you feel full. Good luck! :)
Where can I eat Jordanian Mansaf in London?
I haven't had my native cuisine (the Jordanian Mansaf) for over two years now, and I need my fix. I am willing to travel from Scotland down to London (or anywhere else in the UK) to have it. Please please please help... are there any restaurants that serve this marvel of a dish?
What's the explanation for these giant bags and dark circles around my eyes?
many reasons.. two main ones are genetics and excessive masturbation. (yeah i said that). i know its an old wives tale but if you stop, in a month they will be gone... try it.
Any Married men willing to swing by and bring me some Snickers icecream tonight? It's Mother's Day, you know?
I dont want donuts or doritos tonight, I'm hankering some Snickers Icecream...Any married man willing to go the extra mile for lil' ole' me?
What's the difference between LittleBigPlanet 2 regular vs Collector's Edition?
I'm looking forward to buying LittleBigPlanet 2 until I verified there were to kinds. The standard and collector's edition. I bought LittleBigPlanet 1 Game of The Year Edition and noticed it had free downloaded content. I also know the regular LBP doesn't have them. Now I want LBP 2 and on Amazon I saw LBP 2 and LBP Collector's. What's the difference? And be specific. Also, I downloaded the demo and noticed the costumes on LBP 1 were available. Will the be available on LBP 2? Not new stuff. My Sonic, Marvel, and Watchmen costumes. Will they transfer to LBP 2? Please help me!!! O, and I not old enough to have a job. My parents are funding me. THX
Marvel, Dc or Dark horse comics?
You might want to pick up a couple of titles from each publisher and then make your decision . I saw another answer saying that DC was for younger readers which is untrue . DC ( National Publication) has been printing comics a little bit longer than Marvel ( Timely) . Basically you'll have to decide what your interest lies in . You'll get more "events" from Marvel , but better writing from DC in my opinion .
Any F2P MMORPGs like Rappelz, Rohan, Pandora Saga, Lineage 2, R2 Online, etc?
I'm looking for a good popular MMORPG that involves realistic graphics with full adult sizes. I don't want the boring cartoony graphical MMORPGs like WoW. Don't mention RIFT because I tried it and it's just not my taste. Perfect World games are okay, but I prefer something else. +10 Points for a good summary and explanation of MMORPGs that you list. Thanks!
Did Nick Fury ever take on other personas?
Nick Fury has been an LMD (Life Model Decoy) multiple times. I seem to remember one of the LMDs being Scorpio. Scorpio was originally Jacob Fury, Nick Fury's brother.
Good internet site to buy comic books?
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, since my Local Comic Book store closed down, and I can't find any other with the same selection I was wondering if there were any good comic book sites? I can't really find any.
Downloadable Content for the PlayStation 3?
So I was looking at the downloadable content for the PS3 and I found the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 character add-ons back. So I downloaded the one where you can get Magneto, Psylocke, Cable, and Carnage, but when I started up my game and when I tried to switch those characters to my team, they were not there. Can someone please tell me how to fix this and how to active the downloadable content? I downloaded the disc based content and I am trying to use it on a disc based game. Thank you for your time.
Who is Marvel superhero NightCrawler?
Ok one I died a bit inside for you saying that but NightCrawler is Azazel and Mystique's son, he is on the "good side" and his powers are teleportation and with his watch he can shape shift.
What that marvel, black, bio book called?
It big and black. Has like a orange star cardboard cutout layered ontop of the book and it has marvel characters on it. it talks about the history of some of the characters in the book. And the attired etc.
GIRLS ONLY, how would you like a guy to approach you if......?
if she's with her friends then you need to be as nice as hell to her friends aswell! you need to get past the friends to get the girl. Its not suck up to the girls mum anymore it's there friends. it would be nice for you to start off the convo by comeing up to all the group. dont make her feel uncomfortable infront of u and her friends by just talking directly to her because everyone will be staring! And it depends on what type of girl you are. you mightbe shy and just want a 1 to 1 or ur .. not shy and dont care about whos around you and u could go up to her wherever she is... hope this
Should I be worried or freaked out?
The last few nights I have been having these dreams of one of my dogs disappearing, I have 3. In one dream a dog drowned in a river. Last night I dreamt I had a dog and she was found in Colorado. I am a little freaked about this and it would be awsome if I could get an explanation! Thanks!!
Windows 7 Enterprise "Password Reset"?
I've a labor computer from my college that has Windows 7 Enterprise, and it demands the admin password for pretty much everything. My college wont give it to me for god knows what explanation. so i need some seriouse benefit to change this password to my unique. I'd appreciate seriouse answers, no bs solutions to get factors please. Ty
How much coors beer does it take to get drunk? 10pts?
Will I get drunk of it? And roughly how long does it last I have a 24fl oz. Can of coors light beer if I drink all of it will I get drunk? How drunk if so? I'm 5ft 0in and weight roughly around 123 pounds and have only eaten today, cheerios, gronola bar, chicken wrap from mcdonalds, yogurt, and I ate veggies for dinner withch was about 5 hours ago, and I'm going to eat some doritos with the beer, will I get drunk? how drunk MIGHT I get? Thanks
Could anybody check my English essays?
I'm looking for native English teacher who is willing to help me with improving my written language. For achieving this goal I'm going to write rather long essays on humanitarian subjects. I don't need lengthy explanations: just highlight my mistakes and give me some directions. Internet is full with commercial offers of such services, but I'm seeking for free help. Thanks in advance!
My mom has disappeared. What do i do?
First of all, dont say that to your mother, it shows her that you wouldnt care if she died. Try calling her to see if shes alright, if your hungry try looking for some money around the house and going to the shops to get some food. If something bad had happend to your mother the police would have contacted you by now, and im sure your mother justs wants to stay a couple more days. Im sure everythings fine. :) dont be worried
How can i stop eating junk food?
I think i am seriously addicted to eating junk food, sour gummies, Doritos, cookies, and I'm really quite young to, I'm worried if i continue i will get fat. How can stop eating junk food and start eating health food?
Do you like Marvel or DC more?
Personally, I like Marvel more, though there are a few storylines from DC that I follow. I think that Marvel's characters have more depth, and that there are less superhero cliches. Also, the Marvel world classification (you know, Earth-616 kind of stuff?) is less confusing to me than DC's system. Thanks for your input!
Period is ruining my life?
It's normal. I get like that too. You might have PMDD though. Talk to your doctor and see what you can do for it or maybe you should go on birth control though if it's really bad.
On whom will this prophecy for be fulfilled?
Your problem is expecting the Bible to be accurate on anything. It's a bunch of crazy beliefs by Bronze Age goat herders. Revelations is particularly crazy.
Marvel vs DC:matchups?
DC would win all of these. Why? DC is overpowered. That is DC's trademark, power and nothing but power. Look at Flash, okay, he can run amazingly fast. Can they explain why? Nope because it's DC. Marvel is all about inner conflicts, science, having a somewhat grip on REALITY, and most importantly, with limitations. But DC would still win hands down.
Whens the movie with all the marvel characters in it coming out?
i hear theres a movie coming out with all the marvel characters in it and theres gonna be a huge fight is that true?
What game should I buy for my ps3?
I was wondering what game would be better Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition or Marvel vs Capcom 3. I've played marvel vs capcom 3 and it's fun, but super street fighter 4 arcade edition looks cool too. Can someone please tell me which one I should buy, and why? Thanks.
If i replace junk food with good food (and more) will i start to lose weight?
Yes just be careful if you decide to eat diet foods like diet coke it contains aspartame which can cause serious health problems.
Is it ok to eat junk food in moderation? 10pts.?
Like if you eat healthy like every let's sat Saturday I have one sevring size of doritos or somthing within reason a small amount of food I'm craving is that healthy?
Why so many British Pubs in Monterey, CA?
I was a little taken aback by the amount of British pubs in Monterey, CA. Does it have to do with the golf culture? It seems that, at least on the west coast, the Irish/British pub identity tends to be Irish. In Monterey, it felt like Southampton or Portsmouth or some other British seaside town. Any explanations? Thanks
My truck wont move is it a stuck brake?
its a i think 92 Toyota pickup or something. It my girlfriends so I'm not entirely sure its manual transmission. it starts fine, you can put it in gear and everything but when you go to drive it doesn't move. it sounds like its trying to but the wheels are stuck. is that the e brake or something? if not how would i know what it is and how would i go about fixing it. links to videos or diagrams or detailed explanation would be highly appreciated.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Who is this X-men character?
That's Archangel (Warren Worthington, III) in his "X-Force" uniform. These days, he can transform back and forth between his "Angel" persona (white skin, feathered wings) and the "Archangel" persona (blue skin, techno-organic metal wings). I think what might have caused your confusion is how the artist rendered the wings. It looks like he downplayed their appearance so that they wouldn't block the images of Fantomex and Deadpool (who are also members of the current X-Force roster).
Chemistry questions!?! For Gods SAKE PLEASE??!?
Has to be something in your chemistry text to help you with this.....Sorry, not my thing. Personally, I think they made most of it up.
Which do you think is the darker of the two 'Big Two' comics companies, DC or Marvel?
Personally, I think it's Marvel because they address real world subjects and their heroes are more relatable. What about you?
Which religious group has the best explanation about how our universe was created?
Many religious groups all have a theory on how our universe came to be. Every one of them starts with "God". But which one is the most believable?
X-men comics Jean Grey has been in?
can someone please give me a list of the x-men comics the character Jean Grey (Phoenix/Marvel Girl) has been in?
Do Doritos contain traces of peanuts in them?
My boyfriend has a peanut allergy & im gonna see him today. When i kiss him i dont want him to have an allergic reaction, so do doritos have peanuts in them?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind chronology question.?
Alright. So i get that the movie is extremely out of order, and ive managed to get my head around the order of most of the events of the movie :meet at beach party, relationship, brake-up, clem gets her mind erased, joel gets his mind erased, meet a second time after joel runs away from work (beginning of the movie), he brings her home where the tape is discovered (end of the movie). The only problem i am having is this: When they first meet at the beach party, Joel pokes fun at clem by singing the "Oh my darling clementine..." song. Later along the timeline the two are talking on the train as new acquaintances. Clem tells Joel not to make fun of her name and specifically references the same song. Joel, however, says that he has never heard this song. Could it be that his knowledge of this song was erased with the rest of his memories? It almost seems that on the train Clem remembered Joel and the say that they had at the beach and is attempting to jog his memory in hopes that he remembers her as well. Also, when they first meet at the beach party, Joel says that she was quite comfortable around him, as if they were already lovers. It seems that all these events suggest that they knew one another even before the beach party. Does anybody have an explanation?
Which of these games would be easiest to get 100%?
lol... so many games.... i haven't played all of them but ive played most. portal 2 all you have to do is beat the game once and beat co op once and that's 100%. so i guess portal 2. banjo tooie is WAY too long btw
Why does food that taste so good isn't so good for you?
Because back when we were cave people, before Wal-Mart came along humans NEEDED more fat and calories. We were programmed to prefer higher calorie & fatty foods so we could survive harsh living conditions. That preference has stuck with us.
Why is Liam [switched at birth] charles michael davis. magnificent cast member?
Plz give reason liam is NOT a major cast member? No politically correct evasive answers plz! I m planning to contact blog/fan sites re this inquiry according to yr explanation. Thx!
What do i get my boyfriend for his birthday?
He's turning 19. And is a total nerd in the best way I can say it. Ha. He likes anything comic related. hates marvel though. He likes starwars. His favorite shows are doctor who and torchwood. He's going to be a psych major. He likes cigars. We did drama together in high school. I got him into oldies. I think that's enough info. Maybe too much actually. But I hope I get some good ideas.
Why did i freak out when i took ecstasy?
one teason why is mabe Due to it being ur 1st time so your brain overloaded on pleasure hormones (dont remember what theyre called) so u freaked bro :D
Did I absorb any fat grams?
I pretty much licked off an entire bag of doritos the salsa verde kind. Did I absorb any fat?? please help!!
Probability (Independent events)?
1/3 * 2/5 + 1/3 * 1/2 + 2/5 * 1/2 - 2 * 1/3 * 2/5 * 1/2 = 2/15 + 1/6 + 1/5 - 2/15 = 1/6 + 1/5 = 11/30.
I don't know what to do at all?
Here's the story I was with my boyfriend for over a year and one day he just leaves , without calling or anything , there was no fight or anything and i havent heard from him since . Its been about a little over 2 months since he left and since ive heard from him. I tried moving on by going on a date and deleting everything that reminds me about him and to top it off a guy i liked and started dating left me as well without any explanation. I just dont what to do to get over my ex and dealing with everything else.
Any good xbox 360 games?
I recently realized that i dont own any games that i havent frequently played so Im looking for a good game for the xbox 360 that is currently out. My favorite game is currently marvel vs capcom 3 although since i dont know if any arcade fighting games match its quality unless told otherwise i want games similar to these: Fable 3, Assassins Creed/Brotherhood. Dont tell me Cod or halo because i own them. Also, if you know good games that arent similar to those please say so, even if they are sports or first person shooters.
What do You Think This Quote Means?
We admire people to the extent that we cannot explain what they do, and the word "admire" then means "marvel at."
What is your favorite, and least favorite Marvel movie?
I just want your honest opinion. If it isn't too much to ask I would like to know why. For example: "I liked Iron Man because..." or "I didn't like Hulk because..." If you don't want to tell why you did or did not like the movie that's fine too, but I would appreciate your opinions.
Book report help Emergency?
I am reading this book called 1984 I have to write a 5 page report now I have to compare the 1989 peaceful uprise in Tiananmen Square, China event to the book. Someone please do a explanation about the events in the book I already got the china uprise info covered.
What does suicide mean? How representative are suicide notes of the emotion of their author?
a suicide note is a way to finish the last chapter of a persons book. they want to tell people they're gone for good. to face reality. a suicide note says a person resorted to their last and final option, to put their misery to a stop. a suicide note says there were people who could have helped, people that walked past everyday looking briefly at that person and not noticing their souls rotting away. a suicide note says, someone's gone, and we were just too late to help. a suicide note says, goodbye. a suicide note says it's simply no-ones fault, i just wasn't happy.
Could anybody check my English essays?
I'm looking for native English teacher who is willing to help me with improving my written language. For achieving this goal I'm going to write rather long essays on humanitarian subjects. I don't need lengthy explanations: just highlight my mistakes and give me some directions. Internet is full with commercial offers of such services, but I'm seeking for free help. Thanks in advance!
Can dogs eat spicy doritos? ?
I know it's a weird question. But I just want to if dogs can eat it or can't eat it at all. Or is it bad for them? Any answer is appreciated
For DC and Marvel fans, what would happen in the Hulk wore a red lantern ring?
Lets say we had a crossover and a red ring came to the Hulk, would heros(or even villains) be able to stop him or something?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Manga and Japanese Animation or American Comics and cartoons?
I'll go for anime and manga because in both cases manga and anime have way better drawings that all of those DC comics, Marvel and Cartoons (note i'm not saying american drawing, at least for cartoons, is bad). Also the plot in anime/manga is superior it has way more depth and in most cases you get emotionally attached to the main character (at least in most manga/animes that I read/watch). Plus manga and anime generally require a bit of thought you have to analyze what's going on but with american comics and cartoons it's pretty straight forward so it get pretty dull after a while. Plus if you had anime/manga characters fight the american comic and cartoon characters anime and manga would kick major *** (just Goku can beat them all with his finger.) So what's better?
I think I made a big mistake?
So does anyone have a time machine? I kind of sat on my hamster and Im pretty chubby so I hurt it pretty bad. I think it has a broken leg. I want to go back in time and eat my doritos on the couch rather than in the chair my hamster was sitting in. I really need a time machine! Please help
How do you capture video feed from an xbox?
I want to start capturing video and audio feed off of my xbox 360 to make videos to put on you tube but i was told i need things like a capture card to do so. can somebody tell me everything i'll need to do it and how to do it. and if it's possible can i use it to pick up the audio feed of a xbox live party. and can you try and make the explanation as simple as possible im not that smart.
Can someone please give me a basic explanation of nuclear fission?
I have read alot about nuclear fission recently, but I still feel as if I'm missing a piece because my mind doesn't really connect all the dots together. Also, Why is it that U-235 and Pu-239 is greatly used in nuclear fission?
How does this story sound?
If this is your work, it's my opinion that you have creativity. Inspiration is the catalyst, if one obtains that, their perspiration will be their only limit.
What superheroes would you have on a superhero team?
If there was a crossover between dc comics and marvel comics, what superheroes would you have on the team and what would be the name? Maximum members are 10, 5 dc and 5 marvel.
Are there any Australian players on PlayStation 3?
looking for some aussie players who play either Super Street Fighter 4, Tekken 6 or Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the Playstation 3, if ur interested please leave ur psn account name and I will add you. Been playing online but mostly with American players, and connection isn't very good for sf4 and t6. Marvel isnt too bad connection with Americans.
I'm considering going to a Christian college...?
Christian colleges are like secular colleges in the sense that some are very good and some are not. My sister went to a Christian university to get her teaching degree, and she received an excellent education. I went to a state university to get my English degree, and I also received a good education. If I were you, I would first decide if I want to pursue a particular career or major and look at which colleges offer the best programs in that area. Also look at location and cost. Visit the campus and talk to students to get a feel for the atmosphere. Good luck!
Who's your favorite superhero/super villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Will "Ant Man" fall under the MCU? I heard it won't. Anyway, I'm going with Thor and Loki. I loved that movie. But my answer would be different if I was including the X-Men films. Might be different once Cap comes out, too.
How do you unsubscribe from
I've been trying to unsubscribe for the past three months, but they don't have an easy way of doing so. I thought by deleting my account it would work, but I'm still being charged. Plus there is no contact number only an address
Why do Christian apologists claim Jesus was speaking in hyperbole?
Well, Jesus DID use a lot of metaphors and similes when he told his parables, and many of them were exaggerations.
Would you call God a crappy engineer?
Youre right in some respects he did create us with so many flaws but i think the blame goes both ways. We messed up alot of things by our own doings, but God definitely has some splaining to do for some of the things that happen that purely aint our fault.
Should i just forget him or get answers ! still so shocked?
i dated a guy for 2 mths and we had such great chemistry etc and started to fall for each other well i did now im not so sure about him. but the talks we had were great i met some family and spemt time with them then i get a call from his phone but it want him it was a female telling me shes his girlfriend for 4 yrs i was so dumbfounded because we had talked the night before and hung up the phone fine. i blasted his text with a message when i found out hes been silent since and even as i demand some explanation or an apology he says nothing. but the feeling that i deserve even the respect of an explanation and unanswered questions is killing me! should i feel like like this should i just forget about it ? how can people do crap like that !
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, downloadable content?
I didnt get the Game Stop version new, and I dont know anyone with the Juggernaut unlocked on their game... So heres my question... Where can I download new characters into my game (specifically the Juggernaut).
Can a landlord counter sue me?
I am thinking of suing my ex-landlord for not giving me a an itemized deduction list within the 14-day time limit according to Washington State guidelines. I received a partial payment with no explanation. I went through the Better Business Bureau to get a response from the Apt. complex and they told BBB that they gave me an itemized list. They faxed over a copy of my 1-year contract along with a letter to the BBB in which they explained the deductions in the letter (they didn't fax over the itemized list, just an explanation in the letter), along with telling the BBB that they were nice enough to not charge me for the 2 days I was there (I moved out on the 2nd of the month). I gave the apt. complex the 20-day notice to move out notifying them that I was moving on the 3rd. The landlord showed up at my door on the 1st of the month and told me that if I didn't move out on the 2nd, that he would charge me the full month's rent. If I sue them, can they counter sue me for the full months rent or anything else? Thank you.
What would you do in this situation? Help!?
Don't contact this guy. You deserve a guy that will treat you well and he isn't going to. If you do contact him, you've just given him permission to start the same cr*p all over again. He hasn't even apologized so he doesn't even understand that he has done anything wrong. He thinks that you are something he can play with when he is bored and doesn't have anything better to do.
Where can I download free Archie comics (or any other comics) for my iPad (not the comic book app please)?
I want to download free full Archie comics but i don't know where... There are sites that offer free manga but I couldn't find any for Archie or maybe Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, Marvel and DC. Could someone tell me where i could download them online and then put them on my ipad...?
Ultimate Iron Man Armor, what happened?
I know some people weren't a fan of Ultimate Iron Man's original bulky armor but I loved the contrast and how sci-fi it looked compared to the regular armor. Now, I'm catching up on Ultimate Avengers and so on and he's just wearing the regular armor; more or less it's just the movie version. When did this happen and why? Was there a distinct reasoning somewhere or did they just do it since the official Iron Man has new armor and Marvel just wants to bank on the Movies? I'm kinda bummed. ;'(
What is boarding school like?
I'm thinking about applying for boarding school, and on their website, it looks really fun and stuff, and in Harry Potter and other boarding school movies it looks so so so fun. Is boarding school really how it is in the websites and the movies? Can you please give a detailed explanation about your daily routine and information like how's the food and how do dorms work and how are the dorms and is the education good and how hard are the sports and how hard do they discipline you (I don't mean like how hard do they hit you lol) is it fun? do you get your own bathroom? and if it matters im trying to apply to the good ones like andover and exeter and stuff not like military school. what kind of things do they let you do and not do? is it hard to have like relationships (i mean like boy girl relationship) is it not so fun to live with someone? are all the people like stubborn and conceited like the slytherin group of harry potter? PLEASE HELP
Sucide club explanation?
I watched the movie and still dont get it.Why are the girls suciding for no reason.And why is their skin cut off.And what happens in the ending.U tube didnt have the ending
A question about unclean spirits?
Are battle is not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers in high and low places. Get it? When you work for the Lord Jesus Christ Satan will try to stop you! He also has a earthly kingdom and they are on Yahoo answeres.
I need a logical explanation for this dream?
So last night I had this weird dream of me and lady Gaga being in my parents bedroom lying on the bed and watching TV. We weren't talking at all. We were just watching TV for a long time. Then "Friends" comes up and we started having a conversation about whether or not she liked the show. What the hell could that mean? I'm not a fan as my taste in music is different and that's why I think it's pretty weird
Have you ever gotten a left-handed compliment?
A compliment such as "you look different," or "I know what kind of person YOU are," with no explanation?
Why am i so hungry all of a sudden i.e just today?
It's just low blood sugar. Protein and fat will fix you up fast. Get some fiber into you and believe it or not do some table spoons of nice salad oil until it stops. Lay off those damn carbs. for a bit. Read up a tad on protein diets. The way you are munching you're running a real risk of getting chubby and diabetic. People are protein hunters. Screw all that we're supposed to be "NIce Bucolic" types living on tofu. If you look around the world the leanest healthiest people are protein eaters. Nothing like a nice beef brisket to put forth my best in bed with my old girlfriend. You can get great protein snacks every bit as tasty as Doritos if you shop around a bit. Your friends will hate you for getting so skinny.
Doctors and farmers who is important? , and why doctors or farmers is important ? give two explanation?
to me farmer are very important because without a farmers people will be dieing like chickens just because of food and the resin why i said that is if the farmers didn't provide food how can doctors get feet even to take care of people health,also the farmers farmers are very important,Farmers give strength to life and safeguard those lives ,By the way to me doctors clinic passes true the stomach of a man and how can doctors suck blood if a farmers doesn't supply blood , even true farming we getting vegetables to makes Madison's, so Farmers are important
Poll: what are your favorite kind of doritos?
BQ: do u like the new wasabi doritos in the green bag, personly i think they are disgusting i tried them today
Youtube copyright
well i have 2 lyric videos on my youtube channel and neither of them have copyright issues..i think its because the artists' name are tagged in the title and you can click on them and it will lead you to their youtube channel. the videos are only blocked in germany. well recently i made a 3rd lyric video and it was blocked worldwide b/c of copyright problems. so i filed a dispute with the explanation of section 102 or 107 (dont remember which one) or the copyright act of 1976and it worked for a little bit but then like 12 hours later it was taken down and i got a copyright strike! i took the video down reuploaded and filed a dispute and i got another copyright strike! can someone tell me why my other videos were fine, how to fix this and also how to get rid of the copyright strikes?! please and thank you! oh, and i have absolutly NO intention of making money off these videos.
Any Marvel fans out there?
If so would any of you be interested in this: . Also tell me your fave comic/character and such if you would like! :)
This was my answer to some christian smart@$$. What do you atheists think?
Its funny how you likened it to a murder case. Cuz the jury doesn't get out until its unanimous.. There's a story about god showing up in the presence of united chanting in Solomon temple. The 1000 belong to you Solomon and 200 to those keeping its fruitage he was talking to his brother Solomon just like the betrayer of Jesus happened to be the one guy with the same name in the group. 2 Judas. And the second one went on to write what i believe the 3rd deepest book in the bible. Anyway i believe science is just one step closer to united chanting
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What does a partition do?
Yes. That partition will show us as if it is a second hard drive, It will probably by E:/ as D:/ is normally given to the CD or DVD drive in your computer.
Marvels Kraven vs Sabertooth?
hmm, definately a tough call but i would toss my bet in with sabertooth, that accelerated healing is the most key and important difference between the two, with the healing factor, it is virtually impossible to kill sabertooth by conventional means. another thing is that though kraven has all those powers stated, sabertooth also has a good deal of similar powers as well (agility, reflexes... etc) so essentially he's the same as Kraven but with healing powers.
Marvel vs. DC? Who would win?
Marvel as Marvel have a better selection of heroes, i mean come on Avengers, X-men, Spider man and Hulk
Why am i so hungry all of a sudden i.e just today?
well I eat like a horse anyway so don't use me as an example, but yea the aftermath effects of drink vary from person to person so if you aren't usualyy like that, it's more than likely from lastnight! I remember one night (I'm just finished my freshman year of college) I ate 5 packets of salt and vinegar crisps in less then 5 minutes and they were cheap ones from the local store and tasted as if they were just grease and vinegar, I only ate them as the drink made me soo hungry!! So you will be fine, it's just today!
Why is the Hulk so dimwitted, when Banner is a nobel worthy scientist?
well i figrue during the transformation, banners brain chemistry changes along with everything else, giving the hulk his own personality.
Why do people associate "greediness" with people who eat Doritos and other junk foods?
Greediness is the consumation of the unnecessary. You do not need Doritos. You need basic foods in amounts relative to the amount of energy you use. More exercise, means more food. Less exercise, means less food. Doritos do very little in re-energising, they are purely a luxury, as is other junk food. Consuming it means you require more than you need to satisfy yourself. That is greediness, because there are those who can't even get constant supply of healthy food that they need. If you eat junk food, you are ingrateful for healthy foods, and that is greed.
Braces please please help?
getting them on ur laying down in the chair they polish ur teeth really quick they place the brakets on ur teeth. they use this thingy on place it on each braket to make the stuff dry. they put the wire through them. u get to choose what color rubber bands u want and they put them on then ur done. btw the wire and the rubber bands r maybe the other way around. either way it doesnt hurt
Is Global Warming real?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
I went from eating this to this 10pts.?
Really really good change :D. Hopefully you're cooking those foods and not buying them from a store and microwaving them. Anyways really good change for the better. Saved some money too with less mcdonalds and franchise foods and more natural store bought foods!
What's a creative name that i could call my new cheeseburger flavoured doritos?
in class we have to make up a flavour of doritos, my group agreed upon cheese burger, but now we need a creative name, help?
Xbox360 Pricing Question?
I don't know how mutch you will get for all of it but I do know most game stores won't take any sports games(exept brand new) because thay make one every year.
Hi friends dont forget to give replay ok please?
My dear friend i am also IT eng. in pune having 1 year experience. I have done CCNA,CCNP and now i am doing some management certification ITIL you should also do like this. I am sure that you can get more which you expect. In networking field RHCE is not needed. try to think CCIE. wish you best of luck.
Any good AP Biology Guide Books?
i need help with AP biology and i want a book that isnt for the test. I dont need help with the test i just need help with the course itself. For instance i want a better explanation or something that can help me as i go through each chapter and such. Thanks.
So what exactly can't you eat and what can you eat when you have braces on?
Wow, well that's a long list.. Do they mean just for the first weeks? My othodontist just told me to stay away from gum and soda. When I first got braces, they told me not to eat hard things like you said ^
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 or Blazblue Continuum Shift?
marvel vs capcom 3 some people might not like it but its pretty good u can do some amazing combos u can play online with ur friends (im not sure if blazblue has online) and mvc3 got some amazing characters and if ur looking for button mashing u can do that in mvc3 tho its not gona help u much if u actually fight someone skilled but in marvel vs capcom 3 u have these settings u can put ur controller on normal or simple mode in normal u play normally and u pull out some sick combos but in simple u press example x and launch the other player in the air and press some random button mashing and it actually does the combos for u so in simple u basically can randomly button mash but u still do some crazy combos
A gay man has a crush on me?
And guess what, Im a woman. But the weird thing is, it started when I got my hair cut into a mohawk, like its a real butch cut. Explanations??
What do most people think of people who buy large amounts of Doritos, and junk food in check out at store?
I think nothing of it unless they buy a large amount of the same item, then I wonder what they are doing but I don't think about it very long.
Are Doritos 3rd degree burn halal?
I heard that some of Doritos chips are not halal because their cheese contains pork enzymes, does that mean Doritos 3rd degree burn are also not halal?
What beginner comic books should I begin with?
I have always been a big fan of comic book characters - watching movies, television, and video games - spending hours on end researching the back stories, but have never actually read comics. I find it very intimidating with the realm of possibilities to chose from. I have become a fan of the marvel universe rather than others and would like to start there. The only experience I have with comic books was during the Civil War era, when I downloaded a torrent to make ready all comics within the event.
Which 2 Xbox 360 games would you choose? 10 points for best answer!?
I would get Ghost Recon Advanced Fighter, and Forza Motorsport 2. Mainly because they are totally different in style, so if you got bored of one, you could pop in the other one and have fun doing something else!
Am i a severely under weight? How the hell?
So i am 17 almost 18 in less than 4months and i weigh 120 & yes i eat alot! so since i was kid i grow up pretty much on fast food micky d's and burger king and am hispanic so i also eat alot of tortias and that sort of stuff at home and to date i have a steady income and i eat ONLY fast food/order pizza & eat junk food i sit on my *** and play video games from 4-9(every single day ive dont this for atleast 1year) i eat a bag of doritos(family size**am not jokin in about 2days mostly once i week cuz am to lazy to go and buy more) i will tell you that every day i have to walk about a mile(not run) to get to school lol so this might be why i dont get fat. But my question is how am a not fat nor do i not gain a single pound i literally eat the most UNHEALTHY food possible my diet literally consist on 3things 2double cheese burgers & 2 large fries,I order pizza+fries,or i get chinese food. Also last thing i DO NOT drink soda i only drink water and i drink about 2 glasses of water per serving i have a habit of taking a drink of water per bite(wierd i know) anything i eat will give me extreme thirst. So yea theres my diet....why the hell am i not gaining any pounds? do i really need to exercise and the opposite of what i think lol?
Is the new x-men film good?
Getting taken to the cinema on wednesday by my boyfriendface ^_^ we both love marvel, x-men etc we're huge geeks.
I need homework help. how do i write this paper?
If there are words you don't know, first of all, look them up. Second, do you remember what The Pearl was about? If not, reread parts of it to refresh your memory or read an online summary. Once you have an idea of what you're going to summarize, simply incorporate the words into your writing.
Is spamming illegal on facebook?
Theres a guy on the Marvel VS Capcom 3 fan page who keeps constantly spamming weird stuff? It keeps annoying everyone and he won't stop! Is he gonna get arrested?
OCPD or ROCD can someone give me some insight?
I have ocd and its never gave me any problems on how I feel about people. Some people just get bored with one another.
Monday, July 11, 2011
What is causing these peculiar dreams and what could they possibly mean?
WHAT???? Way to complicated! If it's recurring try doing it in real life that way you know what happens and your body gets it more!
What Is This Snack Called?
It's pretzels covered in cheddar cheese powder. It's REALLY good! But i don't know what it's called because someone shared it w/ me from a big bowl & not the original bag. (cheddar cheese like the ones covered on the Doritos� snacks)
How should I read Marvel Civil War?
I want to finally get around to reading Marvel Civil War, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I'm no comic book dummy, I get the tie-in and crossover concept, but what exactly do I need to read to get the Civil War story. Do I read "Road to the Civil War" (Spider-Man #529-531, FF #536-537) and then Civil War #1-7? I don't need it from a million angles like Spider-Man's or Iron Man's, I just want the main story. So is this how I would go about doing it or am I completely off. I just don't want to miss anything major.
Was I insubordinate or obstinate?
the latter. i think your friend is wrong in what he's saying. not literally, but i think he meant that it looked cocky, but he knows you didn't do it to show off. your boss isn't going to fire you over this, but it did take a hefty toll. the time wasted, probably 30 min, could have been used more conveniently. it really depends on how impatient your boss is. from a scale of 1 to 10: 1 being that he's so patient that it's actually causing problems, like you're skipping days of work and come back with no excuse, and you still are below the line. 5 being that he's a little overly impatient, like a few packages disappear with out a trace, and your not supposed to be watching it, and he fires you. 10, well you know, like someone drops his coffee and he's fired. it depends, but in case, start looking for another job, vaguely though. keep your hopes up, he probably won't fire you.
Can you please help answer some questions I have about smoking and lungs?
about as much damage as breathing the air in a city, you ever see the smog in L.A, OMFG. Weed isnt as bad as smog or reg cigs, hell, atleast u tried it, congratz for that
Whats your favorite chips and does hot Cheetos have pork.?
i love Chester hot fries Doritos funyans pretty much everything since i like hot Cheetos i would really like to know if it has pork
World of Warcraft, Best PvP Class Ever?
Unfortunately... There really is no great pvp class/faction. Blizzard is always nerfing one class or another. As for faction, it depends on which server you join. I know when i made a BM Hunter, Demo locks would easily own him. So.. There really is no "Best PvP Class Ever"
How can a 14 year old girl lose weight?
I am 14 years old, only 5 feet 3 inches and I weight around 148lb! I really want to lose weight! And it doesn't help since all my friends vary from sizes 00-3!!! I don't eat much junk food, or soda! We don't even have much junk food in our home! The only junk food we have is soda,hot cheetos&doritos, and ice cream. I only drink soda on weekends, and I don't like hot cheetos or doritos. And I exercise. I've been going to the gym atleast 3 days a week because we were really busy, but now that it's summer I'll be going a lot more. How can I lose weight? Please don't suggest pills because I want to lose weight the right way. thank you so much!
Can't download Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC pack!?
My PS3 broke a while ago and bought a new one. I restored my PSN account and was able too download for free everything I've bought from before but then I was play Marvel Ultimate alliance 2 and I wanted to download the DLC pack which I bought in the previous PS3. After downloading and installing I went back to the game and it wasn't there! I tried again and again so I thought it could be in a saved game but it wasn't there and no matter how many times I download it, it makes no difference! Also the time I bought the DLC pack when it came the 2nd time so it seems to have no expiration date but HELP I don't know what too do!
My first attempt at writing a song?
The lyrics are outstanding. Vivid language always adds that extra "something" in music and that's in there! But whats the tune, beat, etc? Musical genre at least.
I got heart broken!!!!?
there is this girl i went out with last year so a month ago i found her at the mall and i ask to c a movie on wednesday (it was a monday) i save as much money for the movie then on weds i bought us the tickets and i stood there at the front door waiting for 7 hrs and nothing i have been trying to call her to get an explanation for a week the only thing she said was srry what do i do im at the verge of writing my suicide letter
Marvel vs capcom 3 help?
i know that feeling that happened to me when i played dbz burst limit online the first times but listen to this pick a team example: dante,wesker,iron man, and start by doing a about 20 hit combo or so then do theyre hyper combos and connect em with each others in one combo or try to play distance with iron man throw bombs blast uni-beam stuff like that mvc3 is a fast paced game too fast paced for just using normal attack u gotta use those hyper combos before the other one does or this is another team dante,ryu,wesker, u can use dante until ur hyper meter is full then change to ryu and use his shin shoryuken he hits HARD with that move basically u gotta strategize ur characters.
P&S: Can I keep all your money... In exchange I'll give you some Doritos?
You could keep all my money, the grand total of 2 pence until Friday, but sadly the swap isn't good enough as I don't like Doritos.
Please HELP me interpret a DREAM I had about a Canadian George Stroumbouloupoulous Thanks =)?
Okay I had a dream we were on an elevator saying bye to his mom I was with George and his sister Natasha she had blonde hair anyways we got to a small gathering it wasn't really a party and me and his sister I guess we were close and we were just talking and then she leaves to go look for someone so me and George were left there all alone and I looked at the snack table and I was like oh they have Doritos and I got the Cool Ranch one while George grabbed they Yellow bag Doritos and he opened it and started eating them and when I was about to eat mine I woke up! so What does this mean? Thanks =)
What Xbox 360 game should I review for a project?
Halo 3. it is a good choice because it is exclusively on xbox, unlike brink orange box portal black ops etc. plus it is almost xbox's iconic game. black ops would be a good one also because although it is not exclusively on xbox, it is still a revolutionary series and one of the best selling game titles ever.
What are some good non-perishable foods to pack for my 1 year old (traveling)?
Next week I am having surgery and will be in the hospital for about a week. The hospital is a few hours away from home, so my husband and 13 month old will be staying in a hotel for that time. We are on a very tight budget so they will be trying to eat at restaurants as little as possible, but I am having trouble coming up with a list of food to bring with us for our daughter (before we got married my husband used to live on one "meal"--usually just a bag of Doritos-- a day, so I'm not so concerned about what he will eat). She eats all tablefoods, and loves things like pasta, hardboiled eggs, yogurt, cheese, fresh fruit, etc. Unfortunately the hotel where they will be staying does not have a kitchenette or even a refrigerator in the room so I am feeling extremely limited in my options! All I can think to bring are things like Cheerios, crackers, and those Gerber fruit dices (so I can make sure she has at least some "fresh" fruit). What else can I bring that's non-perishable, healthy, and will appeal to a 1 year old?
Help me with my xbox error please?
I've downloaded a couple games such a geometry wars and doritos crash course 2 and when i start the games is says " the game cannpt access settings, achievments, or progress. the device may be full missing, full, or damaged. its nearly brand new and 250g and is not full or missing. how do i fix this?
Did angels give Scott Stapp his voice?
How could there possibly be another explanation for his angelic voice? It must be be a gift from God himself!
Selling on ebay. Is there an easy method?
I want to sell on ebay. I ordered the book "Ebay for Dummies," thinking I would receive a concise and easy explanation. Not the case. My main interests are: (l) how to set up a seller's account; (2) how to photograph and relay my photos to the site (cell phone for example?); and how to set up an account to receive paypal payments. Just the basics. I know how to package properly, etc. Am I crazy to think there's got to be an easier method to get started than reading this book? Tell me yes if that's the case and I'll read the X%@** thing!
Is moving down a set in Maths something to be embarrassed about?
Instead of letting it embarrass you, use it as motivation to really get after things and move up to the next set. You can do it.
Marvel or DC superheros?
I really like both but my favorite character is Black Canary and she is DC. But I do have my favorites in Marvel also. But I can't really diss either so I will say BOTH!
Do you typically have to pay tax on a food stamp purchase if you utilize a store or manufacturer coupon?
It is not a "food stamp purchase". It is partially a food stamp purchase, and partially a coupon purchase. For sales tax purposes, coupons are like money. The tax is the same as if you used however much food stamps you used and $2 of actual money. In other words, there is no tax on what you got with the food stamps, but there is tax on what you got with the coupon, the same amount of tax as if you used $2 of actual money to buy something.
How do I deal with an anorexic girlfriend?
I started talking to this girl almost a year ago, and began dating her a couple months after that. The relationship went well, although I noticed some little quirks about her, like calling herself fat when she wasn't (and isn't). She also didn't eat much. The all of the sudden, she dumped me. Out of the blue, with little explanation. Well a couple months go by and we had talked but hadn't seen each other since the breakup. She calls me one night and tells me she's been in a treatment center for you guessed it: anorexia. We started dating again a month after that, and she just recently finished her stay at the treatment center and I'm very proud of her. I'm just kinda worried for her because I never want to see her live her life like how she was living it with anorexia. I've heard that relapse is likely, and I'm looking for some tips on the things I can do to help her out. I love this girl and seeing her relapse would be terrible. Anorexia led to our breakup the first time, I don't want there to be a second.
It there a diffrence between the religious word game and actualy believing and standing on Truth?
Yea, its like having all your god given faculties back, and set upon a real cause worth living for. Its like actualy shooting at something real instead of clay pigions or actual recieving something for energy and strength put out. I mean actual obtaining something or making progress. Why is this....Its not vain to respond to God. Just stop Marveling about it, and respond and open your heart to Him. Thats what makes the diffrence, though the world be blind...You though could be Born Again
Who could defeat the hulk from marvel only?
your question is a bit too vague... if by defeat you mean temporarily gain the upper hand... most the big name heroes could... until he gets pissed off enough. if you mean defeat as in kill or permanently establish dominance... apparently anyone with a gamma bomb if you want to use previous hulk story lines as reference (he kills his future self known as the maestro by teleporting the maestro back in time to the moment of the gamma bomb explosion that created him, thus destroying the maestro). without using the gamma bomb thing... any of the universal entities should have the power to destroy him. Obviously the hulk could not stand toe to toe with Eternity any more than he could stand toe to toe with Thanos when he had the Infinity Gauntlet.
Im trying to gain weight ! tell me if im doing it right?
Im eating cheese, doritos, ham , corn tortillas, alot of milk , and tostilocos. Will this make me gain weight atleast a little bit if I do it for 2 weks straight? I really wanna gain weight in two weeks for prom . If you know A good way to gain weight , please tell me!
Why can't this guy be honest?
He obviously likes you. And is feeling sorry for himself, and tryna make u feel sorry for him in some way it sounds like. Ive done this before. Hes tryna play the guilt card with u. So he probably really likes u and doesnt know what he wants, and doesnt think u will go out with him.
Concerns about mortgage pre approval from bank of america?
I received pre-approval from Bank of America for an FHA and VA Vendee loan. This was in early April and they pulled my credit before granting the pre-approval. I finally found a house and made an offer that was accepted. The proposed closing date was scheduled for July 29, but because of the length of time between then and when I received the initial pre-approval, I was advised to allow them to pull another credit report (this was last week). I did this and my score is now 656 (up from 628), my debt-to-income ratio has slightly lowered (due to paying off one credit card and paying down another) and everything else is the same. I had a bankruptcy which was discharged four years ago, and since that time I struggled for a few months (late 2008/early 2009) and had an erroneous state tax lien on my report. They asked from an explanation for these events and stated that I could provide a letter explaining the situations. These same items were on both credit reports pulled by BoA, but now I am being told that they are denying approval because of these items. Why would the grant a pre-approval for 170k, but deny my approval for 97k? I am a college educator and I have been on the job for almost three years. I was told that they would need certain items to process the loan, however they requested none of these items before denying me. I received pre-approval from Wells Fargo (also done in early April) which is still valid. I spoke with that loan officer today and he doesn't see the problem. I would prefer the Vendee program because of the lower fees/closing costs in addition to the zero money down payment, however I may have to go to the FHA from Wells Fargo. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do or why this could have happened? Has this happened to others? Any information that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have an online gaming problem. For football manager 2011 I've opened all the ports that need opening.?
I've opened the ports on the hubv3, through the mcafee security centre on my laptop and through the mcafee security centre on the computer inwhich the hub is connected to. But at it isn't working for some reason. Any ideas or Explanations, would be much appreciated.
How is it weird to like emo music, rock music and love music?
my friends swear my brain is effed up about liking stuff, i like to eat doritos and icecream, not at once, like lick my ice cream have a dorito, and what im asking abotu is how is it weird to like emo music, like pain by three days grace, with love music, like hinder lips of an angel, with rock music, billy talent rusted from the rain?
What's a good website for comic book prices?
I've got a bunch of old comics in my closet, and plan on selling lots of them to a friend of mine. Don't know what they're worth, so want to get a decent outline on what I should charge for them. They're mostly comics from the 80's and 90's, a mix of Marvel, DC, Image etc. Conditions vary. Where should I look for prices?
Thoughts on a piece I wrote for my English class?
very good, but after one read its seems more descriptive of her environment than of her character and when you have to start talking abt her character with "julia was an intuitive girl...." it seems very blunt and in complete contrast to the description of her environment which flows like water. you are very good at description of the surroundings, use that to bring out the character. the character development seems very blocky, merge it with the rest of the text. when u describe the grass or the bushes bring out her thoughts abt how she believes there are secrets hidden behind them, in them/it and how when the wind blew she wanted to follow it to see where it went to see perchance where it began,< this is just a crude example to describe her curious character, her determination, start it off smoothly, ease into the character. ( i hope this helps somehow, i would want to read further)
Isnt it amazing......?
isnt it amazing to marvel at the intellect of our fellow humans? just think about how us as a species have elevated ourselves with nothing but the simple gift of a conscience. i mean just look at modern western medicine, think about how incredibly intelligent the pioneers of that field had to be, they can manufacture substances that imitate neurotransmitters and manipulate your body into almost any feeling under the sun! just boggles my mind...more of a reflection question than an actual question...just give me your reflection too i guess!(:
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Downloadable Content for the PlayStation 3?
So I was looking at the downloadable content for the PS3 and I found the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 character add-ons back. So I downloaded the one where you can get Magneto, Psylocke, Cable, and Carnage, but when I started up my game and when I tried to switch those characters to my team, they were not there. Can someone please tell me how to fix this and how to active the downloadable content? Thank you for your time.
I am on a diet and have been good with it but I am craving salty foods. I got a bag of cool ranch doritios and licked the seasoning off instead of eating the chips! I feel sick now and have a feeling it makes no difference, the fat is on the seasoning. Does anyone find this to be true?
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